Monday 17 September 2012

Maison & Objet Sept 2012 review

UBER Director Simon, along with our designers Leon and Kara, visited Maison et Objet in Paris this week. We've asked them to give us their report.

Both Kara and Leon were impressed with the DK Home stand, which is always a favourite with UBER;

The JNL stand had some new finishes on show;

Kara was impressed with Ebru and their innovative design inspiration. She was told that one rug was inspired by a dress of the designer's mother in law!

Other stands which attracted our attention were XVL and PH Collection. Aztec pattern was a theme we spotted, which is possibly an upcoming trend to look out for. Overall, this September Maison & Objet seemed to be more about the smaller, boutique brands with many of the larger, mainstream brands not present.

The UBER team were also on a mission to find new and original accessories brands which we hope to soon feature on the site.

Uber director Simon (on his eighth visit to Maison) particularly noticed an increase in brand's willingness to work with designers - creating bespoke sizes and finishes to suit rather than being purely 'off the shelf' commodity driven. Simon speculated that perhaps this emphasis on a more adaptable service is due to the current climate, with brands fighting for their market share.


Article by Naomi, UBER®
September 2012

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